luigi morante: Shoes
luigi morante: Hindu Woman
luigi morante: Photo Share
**Celeste**: Cardedu
**Celeste**: la nave scuola Amerigo Vespucci
**Celeste**: ...e domani si vendemmia :-)))
**Celeste**: Ulassai
**Celeste**: una piccola striscia di sabbia lambita da acque limpide e cristalline
**Celeste**: riflessi :-)
annfrau: I'm not asleep... but that doesn't mean I'm awake
annfrau: The silence often of pure innocence persuades when speaking fails.
annfrau: Strawberries
annfrau: Ciambelle
**Celeste**: ...è veramente biologica :-)))
James KEZMAN Photo: Alessandra
half past eight: for my camera's eye only
**Celeste**: trasparenze
annfrau: Cute cat
annfrau: Start wearing purple