vaninaparras: I found this gem while cleaning the attic. My two very best friends at St. Joachim ❤️ @ar_leen! #1992
vaninaparras: Got a visit from a bear this morning... #polarbearhat #happysaturday #andacowtoo
vaninaparras: Burgers with egg
vaninaparras: A perfect Fall evening. #favoriteseason #allofthelights
vaninaparras: I'm such a sucker for Marc Jacobs. I need this color, why are you sold out? #nayozdid
vaninaparras: Christmas in SF is my favorite. I can't wait to go ice skating ☺️ #lovetheholidays
vaninaparras: 7 months ❤️
vaninaparras: Our only group picture from Halloween. Two pantless ghosts and a sexy nerd #glassescrew #sfhalloween #beforethingsgotblurry #strawberrybourbon #goodtimes
vaninaparras: Oakland hangs with @stroester. Warehouse District ✌️
vaninaparras: You are so beautiful to me. #putaneggonit
vaninaparras: So I really love floral print and @dianestagram knows it. She sewed this makeup bag for me and it fits everything I could possibly need and then some. Thank you, Diane! #crafty #makeup #girlythings #childlabor #shesthemostchildlike #yettheleastchildlike
vaninaparras: Put an egg on it ✌️
vaninaparras: I can't get over how cute Ava looks dressed as a lobster
vaninaparras: Two ghosts walk into a bar... #halloween
vaninaparras: Lobster baby ❤️
vaninaparras: I found Sully!
vaninaparras: Legendary and well worth the hangover. #peterock #clsmooth #camplo #20yearreunion #hiphop #ifuckinglovepeterock @rawbasaurus
vaninaparras: My bear is engaged! Congrats @cfsantos and Left Wheel, we love you! #unicycle #frontwheellovesyou #bearsdontcare
vaninaparras: Chicken & Bacon Waffle Benedict ❤️ 4 mimosas in, I am dying.
vaninaparras: Start 'em young ✌️ Thanks for the photo, @krish_parras! #cutestdjever
vaninaparras: Not a bad detour but I was yelling, "West! West! We're heading East!" #treasureisland #workerrands #sunnysf
vaninaparras: Seattle 2011. Freezing. #alwaysmissingseattle
vaninaparras: "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good" ⚡️ #mischiefmanaged #gryffindor
vaninaparras: Kanye West x Kendrick x too drunk @petalspeacocks @breezyexcursion @rawbasaurus @imalinyoface @yofrancislee #whatshappening #peasants
vaninaparras: Mondays make us feel... #caseofthemondays #sexyphlegm #fuckthebartstrike #stuckatwork #babydianeisill #sos #sendhelp
vaninaparras: Leopard print sweater dress #shelookslikepebbles
vaninaparras: Pics from last night. Great job with everything, @carrie_m, you did amazing! (cc: @dianestagram, @cfsantos) #30yearsandgloing #workevent #theball
vaninaparras: The first set of many. Core Four love. @dianestagram @carrie_m @cfsantos #greatjobcarrie #workevent
vaninaparras: I just got $740 worth of Sanrio items donated to our Silent Auction. #toocrazy #herrokitty #thankssanrio
vaninaparras: Came to Costco to buy beverages for our work event and came out with ribs. @cfsantos (PS, please get rice, @dianestagram!) #sohungry