 M@rchizio : Francesco cuscion
 M@rchizio : Maria posing
 M@rchizio : Maria B&W portrait
 M@rchizio : ML leaning
 M@rchizio : ML B&W smile
 M@rchizio : ML Cuscions
Adam R.T.: Fear
David Olkarny Photography: Belle comme une fleur
chitoroid: R0014481
Tanya--: Heart Shaped
xockisfriends: Xocki Takes Care Of Wolfi Wolf
John Langholz: Men Behaving Badly
ladybugdiscovery: a couple of hearts
St/W: Frankfurt bei Nacht (Frankfurt at night)
Aljaž Vidmar: Kozjak waterfall
Ann Karin Beheim: Frozen feather
Danilo_excir: rifugio Sette Selle
silvell: 白昼夢 -2018.1.20 Explored-
Rudy in Ottawa: Snowy Owl - rural west Ottawa (Explored)
bachmann_chr: Gendarmenmarkt in Berlin (Germany)
Jorge M. Rosa: Mourisca
supervito: La Cala di Palermo...
Alexis Vaupres: Carrbridge - Ecosse
frederick642013: Schmetterling