vandalnyc: #Peace, Y'all. #recordbombing #typography #sergemilli #vandalnyc
vandalnyc: #SpreadLove its the #Brooklyn way. Available at this year's @greenpointers Holiday Market #recordbombing #sergemilli #vandalnyc #typography #gp_market
vandalnyc: Spooky Holidays. #recordbombing #typography #sergeMilli #vandalnyc
vandalnyc: Wall. #sergeMilli #vandalnyc
vandalnyc: I wish i could just say #NoMorePolitics for Thanksgiving but we must remain vigilant! #recordbombing #typography #vandalnyc #sergemilli
vandalnyc: Thinkn about the Holidays with @championcoffee and the family
vandalnyc: #Izzy #recordbombing #typography #vandalnyc #sergemilli
vandalnyc: Current temperature #throwback
vandalnyc: #Camden #recordbombing #typography #vandalnyc #sergemilli
vandalnyc: Good Morning! #recordbombing #typography #sergemilli #vandalnyc
vandalnyc: Mornings at @championcoffee with #maxquarters 🍪☕️❤️
vandalnyc: HappyBirthday #Stella ! #vandalnyc #sergemilli #recordbombing #typography
vandalnyc: Customized #ipadmini case for @jollydemon #dyce #vandalnyc #sergemilli #typography
vandalnyc: #Camelia #recordbombing #typography #vandalnyc #sergemilli #TroubleOnVinyl
vandalnyc: #Ignacio #Nacho #recordbombing #typography #vandalnyc #SergeMilli
vandalnyc: #KitKat #recordbombing #typography #vandalnyc #sergemilli @hectormamajuana
vandalnyc: #mamajuana #recordbombing #typography #vandalnyc #sergemilli
vandalnyc: All for one and one for all. #cheers #friedchicken
vandalnyc: #BOO! #vandalnyc #recordbombing #typography for #Halloween
vandalnyc: #NewYorkCity #vandalnyc #recordbombing #typography
vandalnyc: #Love #vandalnyc #lightpainting #typography using the new @pablolightpainting app
vandalnyc: #SteveB #vandalnyc #recordbombing #typography @steveb718
vandalnyc: Peace to those that love #DrumAndBass and keep it alive! #vandalnyc #recordbombing #typography
vandalnyc: #JollyDemon #vandalnyc #recordbombing #typography
vandalnyc: #Adrian #vandalnyc #typography #recordbombing for my brother @jd_btw 👌
vandalnyc: Starting to get excited for #NFL season! #nygiants #vandalnyc #recordbombing #typography
vandalnyc: Live from the planet of Brooklyn. #greenpoint #recordbombing #typography #vandalnyc
vandalnyc: #Focused #babyMegatron aka "Mr Quarters" aka "OneMore" #pinball #wizardmode
vandalnyc: @MrChuckD #ChuckD #PublicEnemy #vandalnyc #recordbombing #typography
vandalnyc: #LOST #vandalnyc #sergemilli #BigTimeWriters #XTCcrew #theNaturals #digitalkonfusion #MOTIONGRAFF #moreGarbage #VANDAL #djvandal #nyc #jjabrams