eleni m: Shell
eleni m: A lovely tiny pink Allium on my balcony
eleni m: Everything is good if it's made of chocolate
eleni m: "Gold never comes to the dreamers—except in dreams" —Anais Nin
raewillow: Fade to Winter
j_finlayson: Dandelion seeds
j_finlayson: Saxifrage
j_finlayson: Heavonly Hellibores
eleni m: She turned to the sunlight and shook her yellow head, and whispered to her neighbour : Winter is dead...
williespictures: Zwei_Stuehle_vor_dem_Haus
wim_e1: Pollen
sohimmelblau: „Dreams of a better life“
sohimmelblau: Zivilisation ist stets einen Prozess des Lernens.
wim_e1: Meeldraden
Sarah Jarrett: Putting on the face
Ha Concerts: shopper 14 achter
Sarah Jarrett: All the Wild Horses
Sarah Jarrett: Bruadarach
Mikmac: IMG_1731
sohimmelblau: Der rote Faden
Nick Who?: Thought in progress
Nick Who?: hand no.5
sohimmelblau: Aufmerksamkeit