marco_diquattro: Livorno giugno 2022
sorferru: IMG_1425_gascons: Josette & Bernard
elsvo: 16.01.2019 By the cracks of the skin I climbed to the top
elsvo: 05/10/2018 - You can do it
Captions by Nica... (Fieger Photography): "Pink"... for a princess, says Miss Mariemoew Antoinette!
Claire Heath :): The Diver
UkrainianGentleman: Just sad dog on the steps
Stefano E: people from another world
Stefano E: ninja assault in bologna
Stefano E: the kiss
Stefano E: l'estate sta finendo
Stefano E: say cheese!
Stefano E: kiss
Stefano E: if i were young...
Stefano E: life is beautiful
Stefano E: a tower, three palms and an old hospital
Stefano E: hand in hand
Stefano E: hard times
Stefano E: proud man
Stefano E: braid
Stefano E: two frames, a man
Stefano E: bad news?
Paolo Zuf: Zuf - Mr Horse