fotoopa: Fischertechnik marble machiene controller P8047230
olimpia davies: chocolate ice cream
jared: starbells
Quasimondo: Neural Abstraction
Quasimondo: Neural Abstraction
peder.norrby: AudioBlob-1021-(0-00-00-11)
Jose Maria Casas "two-": Tarde de retoques, mates, y Rammstein
Mart Aire: Dortmund.
Mart Aire: Guía
Fred Seibert: Adventure Time Logo
peder.norrby: 01field-27-(0-00-05-03)_1_1
Rob Chiu 趙文偉: The Relentless Force Of The Sea
peder.norrby: MIR-colorr-3B-ZoomIn-2-(0-00-21-22)
peder.norrby: colorfield-4-(0-00-01-10)
peder.norrby: MIR-sharpen-noise
lucasdm: Tecnópolis
peder.norrby: sliced elephant
Fred Seibert: Building the Frederator Lego conference table
Fred Seibert: Wallow Satellite Apparatus Beams
das programm: Braun HLD 4
r3nder: Screen Shot 2013-05-12 at 12.42.09 PM
melirapo: Mi Simon
Sami Niemelä: "Do not want." #hardbeingtwoandahalf
Lean (inkel): Anni hablando acerca de RailsGirls
Anni Rautio: Do the Bentobox!
Anni Rautio: Presenting Lunch-Slave, one of the apps built at Rails Girls BA
CeNeoN: Uno de los grupos, mostrando lo que armaron en el día