Co lennings2011: Amsterdam
Jims_photos: Five Queens
MDAD1961: Greylag Goose
Rich Mayer Photography: SEOinFlight2Dsmaller (2)
Sultan Sultani: Golden-crowned Sparrow Open Wings
Norbert Lefevre: # Explore ... 4 ... # Martin pêcheur d'Europe " femelle " ( Alcedo atthis - Common kingfisher )
christian.rey: L'arrivée du chef
SivamDesign: Ashy Prinia
debbiemeader: Female Mallard Duck!!
jan-loup: Héron cendré / Ardea cinerea / Grey Heron
Dancing Snake Nature Photography: _45A8779 American avocet ©Dancing Snake Nature Photography
MindfulnessArt: In the still of the night / Dans le calme de la nuit
Jean-Luc Foucret: Rougegorge familier (Erithacus rubecula - European Robin )
Ken Krach Photography: Marmot in the Snowy Range
Anvilcloud: Still Standing
John N Hoang: Osprey caught a Northern pike
Ian Sane: Neal Lane Covered Bridge
Neal D: Tree Line in Afternoon Light
MTSOfan: The Curious Emperor
stan sutton: New Zealand native Tui on flax flowers IMG_1717
jan-loup: Oie cendrée / Anser anser / Greylag Goose
munchflemming: Morning light
Sultan Sultani: Breakfast
xy5661: Eisvogel ... 2T5A4808
koaxial: cleansing
jan-loup: Bihoreau gris / Nycticorax nycticorax / Black-crowned Night Heron
Rich Mayer Photography: EagleFlies Right1Dsmaller (2)
MindfulnessArt: Portrait d'un chouette automne !
photosauraus rex: That Sudden Realization that You Might Have Strabismus