maamypatom: the house is waiting for Christmas to really start.
maamypatom: is our tree here?
maamypatom: Lauren helped cut it!
maamypatom: The walk back always seems steeper than the hike up!
maamypatom: a perfect fit! We didn't need to add or subtract branches.
maamypatom: the fallen branches we gathered as we hiked down decorate the kitchen--an addition this year is a string of lights.
maamypatom: time to make a tart.
maamypatom: Lauren cut the apples, Amy rolled the crust, Jesse read the comics.
maamypatom: ...and showed Lauren the best ones!
maamypatom: Lauren is wearing the Frida Kahlo apron Kristy Arroyo gave me.
maamypatom: Jesse and Lauren brought us Woodland lemons and tangerines.
maamypatom: what shall we add to the gingerbread creche this year? A big space in the middle needs filling.
maamypatom: With hot cider to warm us, a Chinese restaurant starts to materialize.
maamypatom: They both worked so meticulously!
maamypatom: Almost ready to bake--she added #1 to the sign after Tom took this photo.
maamypatom: Jesse's fire breathing dragon to grace the restaurant's side wall.
maamypatom: such fun!
maamypatom: Amy made the roof, Claudette made cookies to take home.
maamypatom: a fine minestrone soup on the stove, and Budders hoping for crumbs to fall.
maamypatom: Anyone need pecorino romano cheese?
maamypatom: The finished Chinese restaurant joins the Creche! On one of the sides you can't see Lauren wrote "Hablamos Yiddish" On the other Jesse put the chinese characters for Chinese food!
maamypatom: decoration break
maamypatom: Such a peaceful moment.
maamypatom: was I listening to rain on the skylight, or just heaving a sigh of contentment?
maamypatom: I was so touched when Jesse asked if I was ready to lie under the tree.--a tradition from childhood.
maamypatom: It took a bit of coaxing to get Lauren to join us.
maamypatom: Then Tom climbed in and it went from ethereal to hilarious.
maamypatom: Santa came!
maamypatom: I was in charge of the Christmas morning bacon, Lauren and Jesse, the eggs.
maamypatom: of course fresh squoze oj in christmas glasses.