maamypatom: standing on them and stomping worked well
maamypatom: the fire skipped over the area Marc had mowed
maamypatom: Before
maamypatom: Luckily the site of the summer kitchen still had some unburned areas.
maamypatom: Marc
maamypatom: we put our tent up on unburned ground
maamypatom: Brother Dan leant Marc and Anne his camper
maamypatom: _1077864
maamypatom: _1077842
maamypatom: _1077869
maamypatom: _1077845
maamypatom: _1077871
maamypatom: the summer kitchen lost its lean to, but the stove was undamaged.
maamypatom: _1077872
maamypatom: _1077873
maamypatom: others were worth working on
maamypatom: there were lots of them
maamypatom: _1077874
maamypatom: meet stumpy
maamypatom: Tom came up with techniques
maamypatom: car seats
maamypatom: IMG_E1685
maamypatom: we got a little dirty
maamypatom: _1088437
maamypatom: first things first: ya gotta have an outhouse
maamypatom: some we couldn't untwist
maamypatom: a couple of days in
maamypatom: Christine's head
maamypatom: _1088418
maamypatom: _1088414