mister te: 100 años atrás
°mic°: la natura metaforica della natura
°mic°: Verità e menzogna in senso extramorale.
mister te: rock band
dAUi: gLasses
mister te: paris, le louvre
Pensiero: Two in the Sun (Love revives)
dAUi: ^\/^
dAUi: ___O
anapeps: IMG_1097
- n u m b -: Gooood Days!
hanna.bi: wet sand
ros@: photoautomat
°mic°: Rebel rebel...
°mic°: fotografi in erba.. (1)
°mic°: ..and all your food is frozen and needs to be defrosted..
°mic°: Parklife
Pirene Collier: Dun Laoghaire
arghon: birras en el sonar
arghon: macba y sombrillas rojas
arghon: espuma y barceloneta