v1nz`: Theres no stopping me now.
v1nz`: Cherry lips Crystal skies I could show you incredible things ~ Taylor Swift
v1nz`: Yellow diamonds in the light..
v1nz`: “When you seek Love with all your heart, you shall find it's echoes.. in the universe.” ~ Rumi.
v1nz`: Anyway I would've followed youu..
v1nz`: What can I do to make you love me What can I do to make you care What can I say to make you feel this What can I do to get you there..
v1nz`: O I wish I was a punk rocker..
v1nz`: I used to think you only fall in love once, or maybe twice, in your whole life & then I met you & now I fall in love all the time, so I'm pretty sure I'm up to at least five hundred.
v1nz`: A sheer piece of #Paradise.
v1nz`: Hearts all over the world tonightt..
v1nz`: <3
v1nz`: ^_^
v1nz`: Because you deserve to Sparkle!
v1nz`: “I spent a long time trying to find my center until I looked closely at it one night & found it had wheels and moved easily in the slightest breeze. So now I spend less time sitting and more time sailing. ”
v1nz`: Yellow diamonds in the light..
v1nz`: We found love..
v1nz`: “I carry you with me into the world, into the smell of rain and the words that dance between people and; for me, it will always be this way, walking in the light remembering being alive together.” - Storypeople
v1nz`: Color me: Happay.
v1nz`: The world spins, madly on..
v1nz`: "Sometimes the only thing to do is to start looking at everything again until you forget what you're supposed to see & actually see what's there."
v1nz`: `StarDust.
v1nz`: I will always remember the day the sun shone dark on your hair & I forgot where we were & kissed you lightly on the nose & suddenly there was no more secret.
v1nz`: And all I ever knew: Only you.
v1nz`: She learned to love him before he thought it was even possible, so he didn't have a chance to hide & mess it up & while it was a little scary at times, mainly he could not even imagine the world without her there
v1nz`: How can I stand here with you and not be moved by you?
v1nz`: Clingy much?!
v1nz`: Thinks about moving to someplace else where everything is different enough to be fun again.
v1nz`: Lift the veil.
v1nz`: Getting ready to step into a beautiful fairytale! ♥
v1nz`: The sun shone a little brighter today.. all 'cuz she said YES! ♥