Granite School District: board-meeting-01
The University of Utah: The #UofU School of Dentistry cuts its teeth today with the grand opening of the Noorda Oral Health Sciences Building. Learn more at #universityofutah #DentalSchool #Utah #SLC
Utah National Guard: 19th SF Return from Afghanistan - 2-17-2015
Edgar Zuniga Jr.: An Elementary Mosaic
Spyros Papaspyropoulos: Kids going to school
hellojenuine.: thank you
Stephen Rees: Sets of books
PlanetObserver: Globe centred on the Americas - Satellite image - PlanetObserver
dvj: Cereal
Edgar Zuniga Jr.: Salt Lake High School East II
The University of Utah: The gates of learning are open. Go forth and prosper! (We promise it's not usually this dark, unless you take a lot of night classes.) #GoUtes #UofU #ImagineU thx to @scrhragesloan for the classy b/w
VisitSaltLake: August 28, 2013 at 10:19AM A beautiful sunset in Salt Lake City. I couldn't resist, I had to share this one. #slcphotoproject #instagood #instagram #landscape #nikon #utah #slc #saltlakecity #801 #utahisrad #visitutah #clouds #sunset #storm #mountains #wa
Max Klingensmith: Empty Classroom
franlhughes: book boxes
Bubba's Bag of Photos: Excited to be back at school
matt.hintsa: covered wagon.
tylerhoff: Ribbon Cutting
ser g/o: Diplomas! New IT Suite - _G203370bw
nick.amoscato: School Supplies
thewomensmuseum: Learning about the Periodic Table of Elements
derekskey: Balloons
ehpien: The White House
floeschie: Megaphon
Graeme Smith: Fourth of July Fireworks