utahpubliceducation: Gay Beck and Congressman Jim Matheson
utahpubliceducation: Gay Beck and Congressman Jason Chaffetz
utahpubliceducation: Gay Beck and Congressman Chaffetz 2
utahpubliceducation: Gay Beck and Congressman Chaffetz 3
utahpubliceducation: Gay Beck and Congressman Matheson 2
utahpubliceducation: Gay Beck and Congressman Chaffetz 4
utahpubliceducation: Gay Beck on Washington steps
utahpubliceducation: Gay Beck and Senator Hatch
utahpubliceducation: Gay Beck and Congressman Matheson 3
utahpubliceducation: Gay Beck and Congressman Bishop
utahpubliceducation: Space Camp 6
utahpubliceducation: Space Camp 5
utahpubliceducation: Space Camp 4
utahpubliceducation: Space Camp 3
utahpubliceducation: Space Camp 2
utahpubliceducation: Space Camp 1