USFWS/Southeast: Dallas Bradley and Caleb Hickman set a net to be used to catch bats
USFWS/Southeast: Caleb Hickman helping set a net
USFWS/Southeast: Katherine Caldwell waits for dusk
USFWS/Southeast: Caleb Hickman using a quiet moment to search for salamanders
USFWS/Southeast: Sue Cameron frees a bat from the net
USFWS/Southeast: Sue Cameron checks a bat wing
USFWS/Southeast: Dallas Bradley records data
USFWS/Southeast: Kristi Alexis removes a bat from the net
USFWS/Southeast: Kristi Alexis weighs a bat
USFWS/Southeast: Bat with a wing band
USFWS/Southeast: Salamander discovered during a quiet moment
USFWS/Southeast: Placing a band on a bat wing
USFWS/Southeast: Caleb Hickman frees a bat from the net
USFWS/Southeast: Dallas Bradley and Caleb Hickman gathering data from a bat
USFWS/Southeast: Sue Cameron removes a bat from the net
USFWS/Southeast: Hoary bat
USFWS/Southeast: Checking the wing of a hoary bat
USFWS/Southeast: Measuring the arm of a hoary bat
USFWS/Southeast: Kristi Alexis, bat in hand
USFWS/Southeast: Caleb Hickman and Christy Walker free a bat from the net
USFWS/Southeast: Christy Walker frees a hoary bat from the net