USFWS/Southeast: Sue Cameron downloads climate data at Mount Mitchell State Park, NC
USFWS/Southeast: Sue Cameron collecting climate data at Mount Mitchell State Park
USFWS/Southeast: Sue Cameron downloading climate data from a long-term data logger at Mount Mitchell State Park
USFWS/Southeast: Sue Cameron downloading climate data
USFWS/Southeast: Canada Geese
USFWS/Southeast: Waterfowl hunting
USFWS/Southeast: Hunting blind
USFWS/Southeast: Hunting Waterfowl
USFWS/Southeast: Mallard Pair
USFWS/Southeast: Calling Mallard
USFWS/Southeast: Greater White-fronted Goose
USFWS/Southeast: Flock of Greater White-fronted Geese
USFWS/Southeast: Greater White-fronted Geese Landing
USFWS/Southeast: Greater White-fronted Geese Flock
USFWS/Southeast: Arkansas Mallard
USFWS/Southeast: Flying Mallard in Arkansas
USFWS/Southeast: Arkansas Mallard
USFWS/Southeast: Banded Mallard in Arkansas
USFWS/Southeast: Northern Pintail in Arkansas
USFWS/Southeast: Snow Geese Flock Arkansas
USFWS/Southeast: Flock of Snow Geese in Arkansas
USFWS/Southeast: Arkansas Mallard
USFWS/Southeast: Arkansas Mallard Flying
USFWS/Southeast: Mallard Landing in Arkansas
USFWS/Southeast: Flying Mallard Arkansas
USFWS/Southeast: Female Mallard Flying in Arkansas
USFWS/Southeast: Venus flytrap from a questionable vendor
USFWS/Southeast: Questionable vendor
USFWS/Southeast: Poached Venus