USFWS/Southeast: Bishop's cap flowers
USFWS/Southeast: Emerging fern fronds
USFWS/Southeast: Fiddlehead
USFWS/Southeast: Jason Mays climbs the Nantahala Gorge searching for noonday globe snails
USFWS/Southeast: Biologist Jason Mays searches for noonday globe snails
USFWS/Southeast: Jason Mays on the banks of a tributary to the Nantahala River
USFWS/Southeast: Mushrooms
USFWS/Southeast: American giant millipede
USFWS/Southeast: Snail shell on the forest floor
USFWS/Southeast: Trillium
USFWS/Southeast: Byron Hamstead searches the forest floor for snails
USFWS/Southeast: Byron Hamstead searching for snails
USFWS/Southeast: Byron Hamstead on the side of the Nantahala Gorge while Jason Mays walks to a different site
USFWS/Southeast: Byron Hamstead and Jason Mays examining a snail shell
USFWS/Southeast: Byron Hamstead and Jason Mays recording field data
USFWS/Southeast: Byron Hamstead working his way up the side of the Nantahala Gorge
USFWS/Southeast: Byron Hamstead searching the forest floor
USFWS/Southeast: Byron Hamstead takes field notes in the search for the noonday globe snail
USFWS/Southeast: Byron Hamstead compares snail shells
USFWS/Southeast: Byron Hamstead wades the understory searching for snails
USFWS/Southeast: Cinnamon covert snail
USFWS/Southeast: Grand globe snail in the Nantahala Gorge
USFWS/Southeast: Jack in the pulpit
USFWS/Southeast: Jason Mays searches for snails uphill from the Nantahala River
USFWS/Southeast: Jason Mays and Byron Hamstead searching for snails
USFWS/Southeast: Jason Mays and Byron Hamstead check a rock outcrop for snails
USFWS/Southeast: Jason Mays searching the side of the Nantahala Gorge for snails
USFWS/Southeast: Jason Mays checks a snail's identifying features
USFWS/Southeast: Grandaddy longlegs
USFWS/Southeast: Maidenhair fern