USFWS/Southeast: Claire Ellwanger (L) and Rebekah Reid search for dwarf-flowered heartleaf
USFWS/Southeast: Toad, Cleveland County, NC
USFWS/Southeast: Dwarf-flowered heartleaf
USFWS/Southeast: Dwarf-flowered heartleaf from above
USFWS/Southeast: Dwarf-flowered heartleaf beside fern
USFWS/Southeast: Dwarf-flowered heartleaf flower and leaf
USFWS/Southeast: Dwarf-flowered heartleaf flower on forest floor
USFWS/Southeast: Dwarf-flowered heartleaf flower
USFWS/Southeast: Dwarf-flowered heartleaf leaf and flower
USFWS/Southeast: Dwarf-flowered heartleaf leaf, stem, and flower
USFWS/Southeast: Dwarf-flowered heartleaf in bloom
USFWS/Southeast: Dwarf-flowered heartleaf leaves
USFWS/Southeast: Botanist Rebekah Reid examine dwarf-flowered heartleaf flowers
USFWS/Southeast: Young dwarf-flowered heartleaf leaf
USFWS/Southeast: Rough green snake, Cleveland County, NC
USFWS/Southeast: Sweet shrub, Cleveland County, NC
USFWS/Southeast: Tiger swallowtails, Cleveland County, NC
USFWS/Southeast: Turtles sunning in the Broad River, Cleveland County,, N.C.