USFWS/Southeast: Rafinesque's big-eared bat
USFWS/Southeast: Trio of tri-colored bats
USFWS/Southeast: Tri-colored bat
USFWS/Southeast: Tri-colored bat covered with dew
USFWS/Southeast: Joey Weber emerges from one of the abandonded mines
USFWS/Southeast: Joey Weber checks the mine ceiling for bats
USFWS/Southeast: Katherine Caldwell finds a bat on the mine's ceiling
USFWS/Southeast: Katherine Caldwell wipes her face to remove any spores from the fungus that causes white-nose syndrome
USFWS/Southeast: Katherine Caldwell descends into a mine
USFWS/Southeast: Katherine Caldwell checks the mine ceiling for bats
USFWS/Southeast: Katherine Caldwell checks nooks for bats
USFWS/Southeast: Katherine Caldwell and Sue Cameron bag clothing that may be contaminated with spores from the fungus that causes white-nose syndrome
USFWS/Southeast: Katherine Caldwell records data while Sue Cameron looks on
USFWS/Southeast: Katherine Caldwell eyes a bat
USFWS/Southeast: Mole crickets on the mine's roof
USFWS/Southeast: The team preps to go underground
USFWS/Southeast: Descending deeper into the mine
USFWS/Southeast: Katherine Caldwell and Joey Weber cleaning up after emerging from a mine
USFWS/Southeast: Sue Cameron and Katherine Caldwell underground
USFWS/Southeast: Sue Cameron and Katherine Caldwell venture deeper into the mine
USFWS/Southeast: Sue Cameron checks for bats
USFWS/Southeast: Sue Cameron checks crevices for bats
USFWS/Southeast: Sue Cameron clicks on her helmet
USFWS/Southeast: Katherine Caldwell seals Sue Cameron's gloves to prevent the inadvertent spread of the fungus that causes white-nose syndrome
USFWS/Southeast: Katherine Caldwell seals her boots to keep out the fungal spores that lead to white nose syndrome