USFWS/Southeast: Bunched arrowhead
USFWS/Southeast: Rebekah Reid and Kirk Gardner count pitcher plants
USFWS/Southeast: Rain drop on a mountain sweet pitcher plant bud
USFWS/Southeast: Kirk Gardner counts pitcher plants
USFWS/Southeast: Kirk Gardner photographs mountain sweet pitcher plants
USFWS/Southeast: Kirk Gardner and Rebekah Reid working to measure a bunched arrowhead clump
USFWS/Southeast: Kirk Gardner and Rebekah Reid set the border of a monitoring plot
USFWS/Southeast: Kirk Gardner measures the side of a monitoring plot
USFWS/Southeast: Kirk Gardner takes a compass bearing
USFWS/Southeast: We love what we do
USFWS/Southeast: Mountain sweet pitcher plant pitcher
USFWS/Southeast: Raindrops on pitcher plant flower buds
USFWS/Southeast: Mountain sweet pitcher plant flowers
USFWS/Southeast: Rain drops on a mountain sweet pitcher plant flower
USFWS/Southeast: Rain drops on a mountain sweet pitcher plant flower
USFWS/Southeast: Crane fly finds refuge on a fern frond
USFWS/Southeast: Rebekah Reid laying out measuring tape to measure a clump of bunched arrowhead
USFWS/Southeast: Rebekah Reid measures the side of a monitoring plot
USFWS/Southeast: Rebekah Reid takes a compass bearing
USFWS/Southeast: Rebekah Reid lays out a measuring tape to help define monitoring plot sites
USFWS/Southeast: Spider at the mouth of a pitcher plant pitcher
USFWS/Southeast: Spider on the mouth of a pitcher plant pitcher
USFWS/Southeast: Spider perched on a pitcher plant pitcher
USFWS/Southeast: Conifer seedling
USFWS/Southeast: Young mountain sweet pitcher plants pitchers
USFWS/Southeast: Pitcher plant flower buds
USFWS/Southeast: Pitcher plant flower buds
USFWS/Southeast: Pitcher plant flowers with water drops
USFWS/Southeast: Pitcher plant flowers