USFWS/Southeast: Partners for Fish and Wildlife program
USFWS/Southeast: Planted longleaf pine as far as the eye can see
USFWS/Southeast: Prescribed fire on longleaf pine restoration site
USFWS/Southeast: 3-year old longleaf pine
USFWS/Southeast: Streamside reforestation
USFWS/Southeast: Establishing native habitat for declining grassland birds
USFWS/Southeast: Restored wetland
USFWS/Southeast: School group touring upland habitat restoration site
USFWS/Southeast: Native vegetation restored on former agricultural land
USFWS/Southeast: Partner volunteer collecting American chestnut pollen
USFWS/Southeast: Machine-planting wiregrass plugs
USFWS/Southeast: Greentree revetment bank stabilization and fish habitat improvement
USFWS/Southeast: Planting trees
USFWS/Southeast: Habitat for pollinators
USFWS/Southeast: Osprey nesting platform
USFWS/Southeast: Outdoor classroom and improved schoolyard habitat
USFWS/Southeast: Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program sign
USFWS/Southeast: Native ground cover
USFWS/Southeast: Reforesting Conagree River bottomland
USFWS/Southeast: Planting longleaf pine seedlings
USFWS/Southeast: Wood storks
USFWS/Southeast: Filling a drainage ditch to restore wetland hydrology
USFWS/Southeast: Replacing a deteriorated rice field trunk water control structure
USFWS/Southeast: Native grasslands established for disturbance-dependent birds
USFWS/Southeast: In-stream habitat improvements
USFWS/Southeast: Nest and eggs of eastern bluebird
USFWS/Southeast: Longleaf pine field border
USFWS/Southeast: Restored wetland