USFWS/Southeast: Adam Warwick discussing the day's work strategy
USFWS/Southeast: Adam Warwick carrying down stems out of the bog
USFWS/Southeast: Adam Warwick clearing cut stems
USFWS/Southeast: Bog Learning Network team at work
USFWS/Southeast: Bob Gale carrying out cut stems
USFWS/Southeast: Pre-work huddle
USFWS/Southeast: Jeff Wilcox takes a lunch break
USFWS/Southeast: Jen Lamb carrying out cut stems
USFWS/Southeast: Karen Vaughn and Jen Lamb clean their boots
USFWS/Southeast: Karen Vaughn and Kat Kiersen looking at meadow rue
USFWS/Southeast: Karen Vaughn carries cuts stems
USFWS/Southeast: Kat Dierson carries cut stems
USFWS/Southeast: Kyle Pursel carries out cut stems
USFWS/Southeast: Kyle Pursel carrying cut stems out of the bog
USFWS/Southeast: Adam Warwick goes over the work plan
USFWS/Southeast: Lauren Reker pulling out downed trees and shrubs
USFWS/Southeast: Lauren Reker gives instructions for removing trees and shrubs
USFWS/Southeast: Nettie Calvin photographs meadow rue
USFWS/Southeast: Kat Diersen's pitcher plant tattoo