USFWS/Southeast: Anita Goetz explains the project to Appalachian State University studnets
USFWS/Southeast: Appalachian State University staff and students after moving fish into the news stream channel
USFWS/Southeast: Allen Ratzlaff leads the work team along the river bank
USFWS/Southeast: Discussing aquatic animals gathered and moved into the new stream channel
USFWS/Southeast: Running a seine through a remnant pool to catch fish and move them to the new channel
USFWS/Southeast: Work crew figuring a strategy to gather fish from the remnant pool
USFWS/Southeast: Jason Mays and Janet Mizzi pulling fish from the seine
USFWS/Southeast: Jason Mays seining
USFWS/Southeast: Jason Mays pulling fish from a seine
USFWS/Southeast: Jason Mays pulls a crayfish from the seine
USFWS/Southeast: Sorting through fish collected in the seine
USFWS/Southeast: Pulling a seine to collect fish stranded in a remnant pool
USFWS/Southeast: Janet Mizzi pulling fish from the seine to be moved to the new stream channel
USFWS/Southeast: Scooping fish into the seine
USFWS/Southeast: Appalachian State University staff and students preparing to gather fish
USFWS/Southeast: Collecting fish to be moved to the new stream channel
USFWS/Southeast: Students and staff from Appalachian State University gathering fish
USFWS/Southeast: Appalachian State University students collecting fish