USFWS/Southeast: Anchoring the fyke net on the Valley River
USFWS/Southeast: Lauren Chappell holds the net steady as it is tied to a nearby tree on the Valley River
USFWS/Southeast: Brett Albanese and Luke Etchison drive rebar to anchor the net in the Valley River
USFWS/Southeast: Brett Albanese ensures the net is flush on the Valley River bottom
USFWS/Southeast: Brett Albanese moves rocks to anchor the bottom of the net on the Valley River
USFWS/Southeast: Luke Etchison drives rebar to anchor the fyke net in the Valley River
USFWS/Southeast: Staff anchor the bottom of the fyke net on the Valley River
USFWS/Southeast: Staff weight the bottom of the fyke net on the Valley River
USFWS/Southeast: Luke Etchison and Andrew Henderson prepare to set up the fyke net in the Valley River
USFWS/Southeast: Lauren Chappell unfolds net on the Valley River.
USFWS/Southeast: Brett Albanese and Luke Etchison check the net ont he Valley River
USFWS/Southeast: Holding the fyke net in place as it is anchored
USFWS/Southeast: Brett Albanese inspects the installation of the fyke net on the Valley River
USFWS/Southeast: Surveying the installed fyke net on the Valley River
USFWS/Southeast: Jay Mays pulls a golden redhorse from the fyke net. Oconaluftee River.
USFWS/Southeast: Jason Mays with golden redhorse in hand. Oconaluftee River
USFWS/Southeast: Lauren Chappell records data from Jason Mays who is checking fish on the Oconaluftee River
USFWS/Southeast: Cleaning debris from the Oconaluftee River fyke net
USFWS/Southeast: Lauren Chappell, Jason Mays, and Luke Etchison pull fish from the Oconaluftee River net
USFWS/Southeast: Biologists clear leaves and other debris from the Oconaluftee fyke net
USFWS/Southeast: Luke Etchison suits up to check the Oconaluftee River fyke net
USFWS/Southeast: Biologists drive rebar to anchor a fyke net in the Oconaluftee River
USFWS/Southeast: Jason Mays and Mike Abney anchor the Oconaluftee River fyke net with rebar
USFWS/Southeast: Mike Abney and Jay Mays anchor a fyke net on the Oconaluftee River
USFWS/Southeast: Mike Abney checks the Oconaluftee River fyke net
USFWS/Southeast: Jason Mays anchors the Oconaluftee River fyke net
USFWS/Southeast: Dave Matthews and Carlos Echevarria collect a fin tissue sample from a sicklefin redhorse
USFWS/Southeast: Dave Matthews and Carloes Echevarria tags a sicklefin redhorse
USFWS/Southeast: Carlos Echevarria measures a sicklefin redhorse beside the Oconaluftee River
USFWS/Southeast: Carlos Echevarria and Dave Matthews collect a fin tissue sample from a sicklefin redhorse