USFWS/Southeast: Mamie Colburn walking through the brush
USFWS/Southeast: Profile of a green pitcher plant pitcher
USFWS/Southeast: Pitcher among taller pitchers
USFWS/Southeast: Rebekah Reid counting pitcher plants
USFWS/Southeast: Rebekah Reid counts pitcher plants
USFWS/Southeast: Mamie Colburn lays out a grid for counting pitcher plants
USFWS/Southeast: Mamie Colburn marks the line where pitcher plants will be counted
USFWS/Southeast: Mamie Colburn counts pitcher plants
USFWS/Southeast: Mamie Colburm counting green pitcher plants
USFWS/Southeast: Mamie Colburn and Claire Ellwanger discuss pitcher plants
USFWS/Southeast: Ladybug on a green pitcher plant
USFWS/Southeast: Clump of green pitcher plants
USFWS/Southeast: Staff discussing the day's plans
USFWS/Southeast: Green pitcher plant pitcher among a clump
USFWS/Southeast: Green pitcher plant pitcher rising above
USFWS/Southeast: Pair of green pitcher plant pitchers
USFWS/Southeast: Green pitcher plant flower rising above pitchers
USFWS/Southeast: Green pitcher plant flower among pitchers
USFWS/Southeast: Green pitcher among pitchers
USFWS/Southeast: Clump of green pitcher plants
USFWS/Southeast: Fly on a green pitcher plant flower
USFWS/Southeast: Claire Ellwanger and Rebekah Reid looking at green pitcher plants
USFWS/Southeast: Claire Ellwanger marks the line along which pitcher plants will be counted
USFWS/Southeast: Claire Ellwanger counts pitcher plants
USFWS/Southeast: Claire Ellwanger counting pitcher plants
USFWS/Southeast: Butterfly rests on a green pitcher plant