USFWS/Southeast: Fanning out across the Pigeon River
USFWS/Southeast: Students working their D-net
USFWS/Southeast: Student gather to collect fish
USFWS/Southeast: Taking a closer look at stream insects
USFWS/Southeast: A trio of students work to identify the animals they collected
USFWS/Southeast: Using D-nets to collect invertebrates
USFWS/Southeast: Students pour over the stream invertebrates they found
USFWS/Southeast: Searching the seine for stream invertebrates
USFWS/Southeast: Looking for stream invertebrates in the water tray
USFWS/Southeast: Students don waders to venture into the river
USFWS/Southeast: 2017 09-KIC Pigeon-Peeples-Team checks net
USFWS/Southeast: Discussing stream invertebrates
USFWS/Southeast: Students check their net for stream invertebrates
USFWS/Southeast: Students use kick nets to collect stream invertabrates
USFWS/Southeast: A group of students uses a kick seine to collect animals
USFWS/Southeast: Haywood County students in the Pigeon River
USFWS/Southeast: Students donning waders
USFWS/Southeast: Haywood County students putting on waders
USFWS/Southeast: Students fan out across the creek