USFWS/Southeast: 10 inch lake sturgeon at Edenton NFH
USFWS/Southeast: Net of lake sturgeon
USFWS/Southeast: Hatchery truck at Stackhouse
USFWS/Southeast: Stephen Jackson at the hatchery truck
USFWS/Southeast: Ronnie Smith at the hatchery truck
USFWS/Southeast: Ronnie Smith working the release lever
USFWS/Southeast: Ronnie Smith releasing sturgeon
USFWS/Southeast: Ronnie Smith at the French Broad River
USFWS/Southeast: Stephen Jackson on the Edenton truck
USFWS/Southeast: Stephen Jackson checking sturgeon
USFWS/Southeast: Stephen Jackson checks water temperature
USFWS/Southeast: Sturgeon flowing from the hatchery truck
USFWS/Southeast: Lake sturgeon
USFWS/Southeast: Concrete raceway with sturgeon at Edenton NFH
USFWS/Southeast: Edenton National Fish Hatchery manager Stephen Jackson checks lake sturgeon before release
USFWS/Southeast: Edenton National Fish Hatchery manager Stephen Jackson watches lake sturgeon flow into the French Broad River
USFWS/Southeast: FWS Hatchery and NC Marine Fisheries staff marking lake sturgeon at Edenton NFH
USFWS/Southeast: Stephen Jackson marking lake sturgeon