USFWS/Southeast: Bringing in the transect chains
USFWS/Southeast: Bob Butler, U.S. Fish and Wildlfie Service, snorkeling
USFWS/Southeast: Bob Butler, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, searching for spotfin chubs
USFWS/Southeast: Daniell Crocker and Michael Perkins, N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission, snorkeling along a transect
USFWS/Southeast: Danielle Crocker and Michael Perkins, N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission, snorkeling
USFWS/Southeast: Danielle Crocker, N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission, reading off her fish count
USFWS/Southeast: Danielle Crocker, N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission, snorkeling
USFWS/Southeast: Laying down transects
USFWS/Southeast: Steve Fraley, N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission, at the end of a transect
USFWS/Southeast: Steve Fraley, N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission, in the Little Tennessee River
USFWS/Southeast: Steve Fraley, N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission, snorkeling downstream from a footbridge
USFWS/Southeast: Steve Fraley, N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission, crossing the Little Tennessee River
USFWS/Southeast: Steve Fraley, N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission, searching for spotfin chubs
USFWS/Southeast: Steve Fraley, N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission, snorkeling
USFWS/Southeast: Field gear and found debris
USFWS/Southeast: Keith Gibbs, Tennessee Technological University, and TR Russ, N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission, snorkeling
USFWS/Southeast: Rachael Hoch and Brian Rau, N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission,
USFWS/Southeast: Rachael Hoch, N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission, recording her fish count
USFWS/Southeast: Rachael Hoch, N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission, recording data
USFWS/Southeast: Rachael Hoch, N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission, snorkeling along a transect chain
USFWS/Southeast: Rachael Hoch, N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission, snorkeling
USFWS/Southeast: Jay Mays, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and Michale Perkins, N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission, snorkeling
USFWS/Southeast: Jay Mays, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, snorkeling
USFWS/Southeast: Little Tennessee River
USFWS/Southeast: Pat Rakes, Conservtion Fisheries Inc., searching for spotfin chub
USFWS/Southeast: Brian Rau, N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission, recording data
USFWS/Southeast: Crystal Ruble, Conservation Fisheries Inc., snorkeling
USFWS/Southeast: TR Russ, N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission, examining a mussel shell
USFWS/Southeast: TR Russ, N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission, snorkeling downstream along a transect
USFWS/Southeast: TR Russ, N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission, reading off his spotfin chub count