USFWS/Southeast: Taking a closer look
USFWS/Southeast: Ring-necked snake
USFWS/Southeast: Sue Cameron taking notes
USFWS/Southeast: American bur-reed
USFWS/Southeast: Soft rush
USFWS/Southeast: Soft rush
USFWS/Southeast: Mountain laurel bloom
USFWS/Southeast: Megan Sutton hiking through the bog
USFWS/Southeast: Discussing bog plants
USFWS/Southeast: Ed Schwartzman discussing bog plants
USFWS/Southeast: Stiff marsh bedstraw
USFWS/Southeast: Unexpected surprise
USFWS/Southeast: Gabrielle Graeter looking at a plant
USFWS/Southeast: Gabrielle Graeter taking notes
USFWS/Southeast: Flame Azalea
USFWS/Southeast: Ed Schwartzman discussing plants
USFWS/Southeast: Ed Schwartzman eyeing a plant part
USFWS/Southeast: Ed Schwartzman
USFWS/Southeast: Ed Schwartzman addressing the group
USFWS/Southeast: Dave Alexander
USFWS/Southeast: Shallow sedge
USFWS/Southeast: Fescue sedge
USFWS/Southeast: Star sedge
USFWS/Southeast: Fringed sedge
USFWS/Southeast: Prickly bog sedge
USFWS/Southeast: Bog jack-in-the-pulpit
USFWS/Southeast: Bog jack-in-the-pulpit
USFWS/Southeast: Bob Gale
USFWS/Southeast: Bob Gale taking notes
USFWS/Southeast: Bob Gale studying a plant part