USFWS/Southeast: Mountain purple pitcher plant flower
USFWS/Southeast: Mountain purple pitcher plant flowers
USFWS/Southeast: Mountain purple pitcher plants
USFWS/Southeast: Mushroom with a centipede
USFWS/Southeast: Sunshine on plant leaves
USFWS/Southeast: Young poplar leaves
USFWS/Southeast: Rick Foster
USFWS/Southeast: Tom Patrick provides some history on bog management in Georgia
USFWS/Southeast: Carrie Brod speaks with Sarah Fraser
USFWS/Southeast: Sedge seed head
USFWS/Southeast: Sedge seedheads
USFWS/Southeast: Up-close view of a snapping turtle
USFWS/Southeast: Snapping turtle in the hands of Thomas Floyd
USFWS/Southeast: Partially submerged snapping turtle
USFWS/Southeast: Snapping turtle on a sand mound
USFWS/Southeast: Sue Cameron hiking through a bog
USFWS/Southeast: Thomas Floyd and Bob Gale
USFWS/Southeast: Thomas Floyd beside a
USFWS/Southeast: Thomas Floyd with a snapping turtle
USFWS/Southeast: Timber rattlesnake
USFWS/Southeast: Blue-eyed grass
USFWS/Southeast: Bowman's root
USFWS/Southeast: Cinnamon fern
USFWS/Southeast: Cinnamon fern
USFWS/Southeast: New maple leaves
USFWS/Southeast: Young mountain purple pitcher plants
USFWS/Southeast: Mountain purple pitcher plant flower
USFWS/Southeast: Drooping mountain purple pitcher plant
USFWS/Southeast: Moth on a tree trunk
USFWS/Southeast: Sedge seedhead