USFWS/Southeast: Mara Alexander, Sara Fraser, Ed Schwartzman and Anita Goetz discussing bog management
USFWS/Southeast: Carolina Mountain Land Conservancy's Matt Kirk checking the leverler level
USFWS/Southeast: Clint DeWitt and Sarah Fraser clearing moving sediment
USFWS/Southeast: Kanuga Conference's Clint DeWitt traces leveler path
USFWS/Southeast: Carolina Mountain Land Conservancy's Matt Kirk making way for the leveler
USFWS/Southeast: David Caldwell checking leveler level
USFWS/Southeast: David Caldwell and Ed Schwartzman
USFWS/Southeast: David Caldwell glueing lengths of pipe
USFWS/Southeast: David Caldwell attaching piping elbow
USFWS/Southeast: Ed Schwartzman addressing Haywood Community College students
USFWS/Southeast: Haywood Community College student anchoring the pond leveler
USFWS/Southeast: Haywood College student attaching the piping elbow
USFWS/Southeast: Haywood Community College student clearing sediment
USFWS/Southeast: Haywood Community College students anchoring the pond leveler
USFWS/Southeast: Haywood students clearing a trench for the pond leveler
USFWS/Southeast: Haywood Community College students take lunch
USFWS/Southeast: Haywood Community College students clear the way for the pond leveler
USFWS/Southeast: Haywood Community College students hoist pond leveler
USFWS/Southeast: Haywood Community College students notch a beaver dam
USFWS/Southeast: Haywood Community College students notching a beaver dam
USFWS/Southeast: Laying the leveler into place
USFWS/Southeast: Botanist Mara Alexander discusses bog management with Ed Schwartzman
USFWS/Southeast: 2014 02-Kanuga leveler Passing leveler
USFWS/Southeast: Haywood Community College students settle the leveler into its trough
USFWS/Southeast: Common hair moss, Poltrichum commune