USFWS/Southeast: North Carolina biologist Chris Kelly discusses tree planting plans
USFWS/Southeast: Quick break from planting
USFWS/Southeast: North Carolina wildlife technician Charles Lawson plants a spruce tree
USFWS/Southeast: North Carolina biologist Chris Kelly with flags to mark the planting sites
USFWS/Southeast: Arriving at a planting site
USFWS/Southeast: North Carolina biologist Chris Kelly with flags to mark planting sites
USFWS/Southeast: North Carolina biologist Chris Kelly checks squirrel listening equipment
USFWS/Southeast: Mountain fern
USFWS/Southeast: Hauling trees
USFWS/Southeast: Haywood Community College students planting spruce trees
USFWS/Southeast: Haywood Community College student pats the soil around a new planting
USFWS/Southeast: Haywood Community College students prepare to plant spruce trees
USFWS/Southeast: Haywood Community College student places a spruce tree
USFWS/Southeast: Haywood Community College student pats the soil around a new planting
USFWS/Southeast: Haywood Community College students planting spruce trees
USFWS/Southeast: Haywood Community College student taps in the soil around a spruce planting
USFWS/Southeast: Janet Mizzi take a short break from planting
USFWS/Southeast: Kelly Holdbrooks discusses how to plant the spruce trees
USFWS/Southeast: Kelly Holdbrooks demonstrates how to plant the spruce trees
USFWS/Southeast: Roadside wildflowers
USFWS/Southeast: Roadside spider web
USFWS/Southeast: Service biologist Sue Cameron pats the soil around a newly-planted tree
USFWS/Southeast: Service biologist Sue Cameron readies a spruce tree
USFWS/Southeast: Roadside aster catches mountain-top moisture