USFWS/Southeast: Artists work on a river-themes tapestry
USFWS/Southeast: A Yancey County student collects stream insects
USFWS/Southeast: Yancey County students check their net for insects
USFWS/Southeast: David Caldwell helps a pair of students
USFWS/Southeast: Cassie Floan helps with a river tapestry
USFWS/Southeast: David Caldwell helps students with their kick net
USFWS/Southeast: David Caldwell checks a kick net for stream insects
USFWS/Southeast: John Fridell scans a kick seine for stream animals
USFWS/Southeast: John Fridell stirs up stream insects
USFWS/Southeast: John Fridell helps turn rocks
USFWS/Southeast: John Fridell points out stream insects in a kick net
USFWS/Southeast: John Fridell and Mark Endries help with a kick seine
USFWS/Southeast: John Fridell identifies stream insects caught by students
USFWS/Southeast: John Fridell discusses a stream insect
USFWS/Southeast: John Fridell helsp turn stones in search for stream insects
USFWS/Southeast: Service biologist John Fridell helps with insect identification
USFWS/Southeast: Students kick up stream insects
USFWS/Southeast: A student collecting stream insects
USFWS/Southeast: Mark Endries helps students identify insects
USFWS/Southeast: Mark Endries helps students with their net
USFWS/Southeast: Mark Endries helps check a kick net
USFWS/Southeast: Mark Endries helps students with a kick net
USFWS/Southeast: The Service's Mark Endries helps with a kick seine
USFWS/Southeast: Penland's Stacey Lane prepares a tapestry for students
USFWS/Southeast: Artists lay the foundation for a student-made tapestry
USFWS/Southeast: A Yancey County student with stonefly in hand
USFWS/Southeast: Yancey County students identify insects
USFWS/Southeast: Tressa Hartsell addressed Yancey County students
USFWS/Southeast: State water quality expert Ed Williams helps students
USFWS/Southeast: Service intern David Caldwell helps students with their net