USFWS/Southeast: Spreading avens in bloom
USFWS/Southeast: Spreading avens flower open with insects
USFWS/Southeast: Spreading avens flower closed
USFWS/Southeast: Part of the 2013 Spreading avens survey team
USFWS/Southeast: USDA Forest Service biologist Gary Kauffman discussing safety
USFWS/Southeast: Service biologist Mara Alexander records data
USFWS/Southeast: The National Park Service's Matt Cooke rappels to reach spread avens plants
USFWS/Southeast: The National Park Service's Matt Cooke rappels to reach spread avens plantseum survey Matt Cooke 4-GP
USFWS/Southeast: The National Park Service's Matt Cooke rappels to reach spread avens plants
USFWS/Southeast: The National Park Service's Matt Cooke measures a spreading avens plant
USFWS/Southeast: The National Park Service's Matt Cooke rappels to reach spread avens plants
USFWS/Southeast: National Park Service biologist Chris Ulrey distributing rappelling gear
USFWS/Southeast: Angelica