USFWS/Southeast: Rafinesque big-eared bat
USFWS/Southeast: Pregnant female big brown bat
USFWS/Southeast: Northern long-eared bat processing
USFWS/Southeast: Wildlife and Habitat Risk Map for Wind Energy Projects for North Carolina
USFWS/Southeast: Smooth Coneflower
USFWS/Southeast: Smooth Coneflower at Picture Creek x
USFWS/Southeast: Sensitive joint-vetch whole plant x
USFWS/Southeast: Sensitive joint-vetch detail x
USFWS/Southeast: Golden Sedge
USFWS/Southeast: AlligatorRiver
USFWS/Southeast: Rough-leaf Loosestife Savannah Pocosin Ecotone 3 x
USFWS/Southeast: Seabeach amaranth
USFWS/Southeast: Venus Flytrap
USFWS/Southeast: Piping Plover nest and eggs
USFWS/Southeast: American Alligator
USFWS/Southeast: Carolina madtom surveys and monitoring.
USFWS/Southeast: Unique and fierce
USFWS/Southeast: It's a small catfish.
USFWS/Southeast: Can you see it?
USFWS/Southeast: Sarracenia oreophila