USFWS/Southeast: Describing the project
USFWS/Southeast: Project description
USFWS/Southeast: Brett Albanese
USFWS/Southeast: Rare fish
USFWS/Southeast: Alabama Hog Sucker
USFWS/Southeast: Ronnie Haynes
USFWS/Southeast: Listening
USFWS/Southeast: Raccoon Creek Restoration
USFWS/Southeast: Stabilizing the Streambank
USFWS/Southeast: Describing the work
USFWS/Southeast: Both sides stabilized
USFWS/Southeast: Power lines cross Raccoon Creek
USFWS/Southeast: Elderberry to the rescue
USFWS/Southeast: Getting a jump on things
USFWS/Southeast: Seining for fish
USFWS/Southeast: Checking the net
USFWS/Southeast: Katie Owens of TNC
USFWS/Southeast: Seth Coker
USFWS/Southeast: Starting the kick...
USFWS/Southeast: More kicking....
USFWS/Southeast: Almost there...
USFWS/Southeast: Finish line in sight...
USFWS/Southeast: Holding the net
USFWS/Southeast: Getting ready for the final kick
USFWS/Southeast: Last kick...
USFWS/Southeast: Success!!
USFWS/Southeast: Another view
USFWS/Southeast: Brett Albanese sets the net again
USFWS/Southeast: Raccoon Creek
USFWS/Southeast: Raccoon Creek