USFWS/Southeast: Amphibian larvae karst pothole in streambed by Todd Crabtree
USFWS/Southeast: Carolina Anole by Todd Crabtree
USFWS/Southeast: Cave Salamander by Todd Crabtree
USFWS/Southeast: Clematis morefieldii by Todd Crabtree
USFWS/Southeast: Cynoglossum virginianum by Todd Crabtree
USFWS/Southeast: Cypripedium pubescens by Todd Crabtree
USFWS/Southeast: Diplazium pycnocarpon glade fern by Todd Crabtree
USFWS/Southeast: Erigeron pulchellus by Todd Crabtree
USFWS/Southeast: Great Spangled Fritillary on Monarda fistulosa by Todd Crabtree
USFWS/Southeast: Iris cristata by Todd Crabtree
USFWS/Southeast: Kalmia latifolia by Todd Crabtree
USFWS/Southeast: Karst limestone bluff and talus by Todd Crabtree
USFWS/Southeast: Mill Creek watershed looking southwest towards Walls of Jericho from trail overlook by Todd Crabtree
USFWS/Southeast: Walls of Jericho by T. Crabtree
USFWS/Southeast: Walls of Jericho by Todd Crabtree
USFWS/Southeast: Walls of Jericho pirated streambed karst by Todd Crabtree
USFWS/Southeast: Walls of Jericho stream with karst potholes by Todd Crabtree
USFWS/Southeast: Walls of Jericho waterfall into the sink by Todd Crabtree
USFWS/Southeast: Zebra swallowtail by Todd Crabtree