USFWS/Southeast: Virginia Tech students divide mussels for release in the Powell River
USFWS/Southeast: Splitting up mussels for release
USFWS/Southeast: Team of volunteers, students, and biologists release mussels
USFWS/Southeast: Service biologist Jess Jones distributes mussels for release
USFWS/Southeast: Service biologist Jess Jones releases mussels into the Powell River
USFWS/Southeast: Endangered mussels bound for the Powell River
USFWS/Southeast: Looking over endangered mussels before they're released
USFWS/Southeast: Endangered mussels planted on the bottom of the Powell River
USFWS/Southeast: Virginia Tech students divide up mussels for release
USFWS/Southeast: Retired USGS biologist Steve Ahlstead chats with Service intern Byron Hamstead
USFWS/Southeast: Biologists release mussels into the Powell River
USFWS/Southeast: Virginia Tech staff member and student Dan Hua talks with Service intern Byron Hamstead
USFWS/Southeast: Virginia Tech students unload mussels for release
USFWS/Southeast: Volunteers and Virginia Tech students place mussels in the Powell River
USFWS/Southeast: Virginia Tech students and volunteers release mussels in the Powell River
USFWS/Southeast: Virginia Tech students take mussels to a release site