USFWS/Southeast: Haywood Coutny students collecting stream instects
USFWS/Southeast: Service interns Byron Hamstead and Gwen Casebeer discuss stream insects
USFWS/Southeast: Service intern Byron Hamstead checks a net for stream insects
USFWS/Southeast: Service intern Byron Hamstead checks a student net
USFWS/Southeast: Service intern Byron Hamstead helps identify stream insects
USFWS/Southeast: Service intern Byron Hamstead helps students with their net
USFWS/Southeast: Service intern Byron Hamstead shows students an aquatic insect
USFWS/Southeast: Haywood Waterways's Eric Romaniszyn helps students with their nets
USFWS/Southeast: Students line up to help drive fish into the seine
USFWS/Southeast: Service intern Gwen Casebeer works with a stream insect beside Natioonal Park Service staff and volunteers
USFWS/Southeast: Service intern Gwn Casebeer helps students with the kick seine
USFWS/Southeast: Service intern Gwen Casebeer helps students with their net
USFWS/Southeast: A trio of boys checks their net
USFWS/Southeast: Students search for stream insects in the Pigeon River
USFWS/Southeast: Three students check their net for stream insects
USFWS/Southeast: Students check their other net while others wait to enter the river
USFWS/Southeast: A pair of student groups collect stream insects