USFWS/Southeast: Service intern Gwen Casebeer helps a student check her net
USFWS/Southeast: Byron Hamstead discusses stream insects with Mitchell County students
USFWS/Southeast: Service intern Byron Hamstead shows students an aquatic insects
USFWS/Southeast: Service intern Byron Hamstead helps students identify stream insects
USFWS/Southeast: Service intern Byron Hamstead helps student collect stream insects
USFWS/Southeast: Service intern David Caldwell helps student collect stream insects
USFWS/Southeast: Service intern David Caldwell helps students collect stream insects
USFWS/Southeast: Biologist Ed Williams helps stir up stream insects
USFWS/Southeast: Biologist Ed Williams turning a rock for aquatic insects
USFWS/Southeast: Students gathered around to see what animals were caught
USFWS/Southeast: A Mitchell County student studies the contents of his net
USFWS/Southeast: Mitchell Sounty students search a rock for stream insects
USFWS/Southeast: Mitchell County students check the contents of their net
USFWS/Southeast: Mitchell County students searching for stream insects
USFWS/Southeast: A pair of Mitchell County students check their net
USFWS/Southeast: Biologist Andrea Leslie points out a stream insect
USFWS/Southeast: Biologist Andrea Leslie helps a pair of students
USFWS/Southeast: Biologist Andrea Leslie helps a team of students collect stream insects
USFWS/Southeast: Biologists Andrea Leslie turning rocks with Yancey County students
USFWS/Southeast: Biologist Andrea Leslie helps students collect stream insects
USFWS/Southeast: A trio of students check their net for stream insects
USFWS/Southeast: Service intern Byron Hamstead helps with stream insect identification
USFWS/Southeast: Students collect stream insects from the South Toe River
USFWS/Southeast: Service intern Byron Hamstead helps Yancey County students search for insects
USFWS/Southeast: Yancey County student collects stream insects
USFWS/Southeast: A pair of Yancey County students check a rock for stream insects
USFWS/Southeast: Jade Pierce blindfolds a student for an echolocation game
USFWS/Southeast: Students learn about watershed health on the banks of the South Toe River
USFWS/Southeast: Service biologist Mark Endries talks watershed health
USFWS/Southeast: Tressa Hartsell leads a game of Oh Deer