USFWS/Southeast: Seedling rising on the floor of the spruce-fir forest
USFWS/Southeast: View from Mount Mitchell, highest peak in the eastern United States
USFWS/Southeast: Service biologist Sue Cameron makes notes about a Carolina northern flying squirrel
USFWS/Southeast: Sue Cameron and Leo Miranda discuss conservation of the endangered spruce-fir moss spider
USFWS/Southeast: Service biologist Sue Cameron (L) and North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission Chris Kelly measure a Carolina northern flying squirrel's foot
USFWS/Southeast: Carolina northern flying squirrel
USFWS/Southeast: Mushroom growing out of a snag
USFWS/Southeast: Mountain laurel blooms
USFWS/Southeast: Measuring a Carolina northern flying squirrel foot
USFWS/Southeast: Leo Miranda on the peak of Mount Mitchell
USFWS/Southeast: Leo Miranda getting a closer look at a millipede
USFWS/Southeast: Leo Miranda looking through binoculars
USFWS/Southeast: Pausing for a little birding near the summit of Mount Mitchell
USFWS/Southeast: North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission biologist Chris Kelly identifying a bird
USFWS/Southeast: N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission biologist Chris Kelly (L) and Sue Cameron prepare a Carolina northern flying squirrel for measurement and tagging
USFWS/Southeast: N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission biologist Chris Kelly talking with Assistant Regional Director Leo Miranda
USFWS/Southeast: N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission biologist Chris Kelly checking a Carolina northern flying squirrel box
USFWS/Southeast: (L-R) Brian Cole, Sue Cameron, Chris Kelly, Leo Miranda, Mara Alexander at Mount Mitchell
USFWS/Southeast: Bluets near the Mount Mitchell summit