USFWS/Southeast: Outreach at Las Mareas Elementary School in Puerto Rico
USFWS/Southeast: Education efforts at Las Mareas Elementary School in preparation to receive Tuque, the manatee as a new member of this community. Dr. Antonio Mignucci dedicating the book, Manatí de Puerto Rico.
USFWS/Southeast: September 29, 2011 Education efforts at Las Mareas Elementary School in preparation to receive Tuque, the manatee as a new member of this community. Dr. Antonio Mignucci dedicating the book, Manatí de Puerto Rico.
USFWS/Southeast: Education efforts at Las Mareas Elementary School in preparation to receive Tuque, the manatee as a new member of this community. Dr. Antonio Mignucci dedicating the book, Manatí de Puerto Rico.
USFWS/Southeast: Children from Las Mareas community welcoming new neighbor, Tuque the manatee
USFWS/Southeast: Las Mareas Community prepared Welcome mural to decorate a food kiosk near the community dock.
USFWS/Southeast: Las Mareas Community prepared Welcome mural to decorate a food kiosk near the community dock.
USFWS/Southeast: Children getting a peak of Tuque recently released back into the water
USFWS/Southeast: Recently installed new manatee protection sign at the Las Mareas community dock.
USFWS/Southeast: PA050138
USFWS/Southeast: The Las Marias Community was eager to welcome Tuque and see it get back in the waters of the Caribbean Sea
USFWS/Southeast: USFWS getting ready to pick up Tuque and members fo the Puerto Rico Manatee Conservation Center to release Tuque into the water of the Caribbean Sea.
USFWS/Southeast: Manatee Tuque at Bahia de Jobos Natural Reserve
USFWS/Southeast: Team transporting Tuque from the shore of Las Marias Community into the Mar Negro waters.
USFWS/Southeast: Tuque getting weighed with a crane
USFWS/Southeast: Tuque in stretcher, getting weighed with a crane
USFWS/Southeast: Tuque just arrived at Las Mareas community in Salinas Puerto Rico
USFWS/Southeast: Tuque as it going in the water around 3:30 pm on Wednesday October 5, 2011
USFWS/Southeast: Tuque is set free! Back into the Caribbean waters of Mar Negro
USFWS/Southeast: Tuque was just captured
USFWS/Southeast: DSC_0599
USFWS/Southeast: Volunteers of the Puerto Rico Manatee Conservation Center setting net to capture Tuque.
USFWS/Southeast: Tuque was captured around 11:40 am by the Puerto Rico Manatee Conservation Center
USFWS/Southeast: Check-up right after capture.
USFWS/Southeast: Tuque Capture and Release after Rehabilitation