USFWS/Southeast: Water striders
USFWS/Southeast: Jay Mays searching for mussels
USFWS/Southeast: Appalachian elktoe mussel on the stream bottom
USFWS/Southeast: Jay Mays and John Fridell search for mussels
USFWS/Southeast: Small mussel from the Little River
USFWS/Southeast: John Fridell
USFWS/Southeast: Freshwater mussel on the stream bottom
USFWS/Southeast: Freshwater mussel on the stream bottom
USFWS/Southeast: Finding a mussel
USFWS/Southeast: Using a view bucket to search for mussels
USFWS/Southeast: Appalachian elktoe
USFWS/Southeast: Appalachian elktoe in hand
USFWS/Southeast: Freshwater mussel on the stream bottom
USFWS/Southeast: Freshwater mussel on the stream bottom
USFWS/Southeast: Freshwater mussel on the stream bottom
USFWS/Southeast: Freshwater mussel on the stream bottom
USFWS/Southeast: Freshwater mussel on the stream bottom
USFWS/Southeast: Freshwater mussel on the stream bottom
USFWS/Southeast: Freshwater mussel on the stream bottom
USFWS/Southeast: Freshwater mussel on the stream bottom
USFWS/Southeast: Snorkeling for mussels