USFWS/Southeast: Mountain laurel blooms
USFWS/Southeast: Students search for macroinvertebrates
USFWS/Southeast: Stirring up rocks
USFWS/Southeast: Lone collector
USFWS/Southeast: Three students check their net
USFWS/Southeast: Filing out of the river
USFWS/Southeast: Setting the D-net
USFWS/Southeast: Checking the D-net
USFWS/Southeast: Helping turn rocks
USFWS/Southeast: 2011 06-East Yancey South Toe Kids turning rocks-GP
USFWS/Southeast: Suiting up
USFWS/Southeast: Helping collect
USFWS/Southeast: Helping check the net
USFWS/Southeast: 2011 06-East Yancey South Toe Lily with group vertical-GP
USFWS/Southeast: Checking what's in the D-net
USFWS/Southeast: Kicking up rocks
USFWS/Southeast: Group of students check their net
USFWS/Southeast: Learning to use the identification key