USFWS/Southeast: Firefighter Monitors Water Flow from Irrigation Equipment
USFWS/Southeast: Firefighting Crew Keeps a Watch Over Irrigation Equipment
USFWS/Southeast: Ongoing Irrigation to Extinguish Fire Next to Highway 264
USFWS/Southeast: Containment Line on the Northern Side of Pains Bay Fire
USFWS/Southeast: Aerial View of Smoldering Fire
USFWS/Southeast: Patches of Green Among the Charred Landscape
USFWS/Southeast: Aerial View of Smoke Hovering Over Highway 264
USFWS/Southeast: Charred Forest Surrounding Lake
USFWS/Southeast: Charred forest along Highway 264
USFWS/Southeast: Smoky haze over Highway 264
USFWS/Southeast: Fire Continues to Smolder
USFWS/Southeast: Irrigation Equipment Used to Keep the Fire at Bay on Highway 264
USFWS/Southeast: Firefighters Conduct an Operational Planning Meeting. New Containment Lines are Being Established After the Fire Broke Through on the Northern Side May 23
USFWS/Southeast: Gusty Winds Caused Pains Bay Fire to Break Through Northern Containment Line on May 23
USFWS/Southeast: Sunset Through a Smoky Haze
USFWS/Southeast: Helicopters are Being Used to Drop Water in an Effort to Slow the Spread of the Fire
USFWS/Southeast: Staging Area for Heavy Equipment Used to Establish Fire Breaks