USFWS/Southeast: Vulture in flight
USFWS/Southeast: Whoooo's watching?
USFWS/Southeast: Stepping gingerly
USFWS/Southeast: Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
USFWS/Southeast: In flight 2
USFWS/Southeast: Snowy egret in the marsh
USFWS/Southeast: Watching over
USFWS/Southeast: Juvenile yellow-crowned Night Heron
USFWS/Southeast: Dickcissel singing a song
USFWS/Southeast: Prothonotary Warbler in the green forest
USFWS/Southeast: Two of a kind
USFWS/Southeast: Carolina Wren at Black Bayou Lake
USFWS/Southeast: Carolina Wren at Black Bayou Lake 2
USFWS/Southeast: Dickcissel at Black Bayou Lake 4
USFWS/Southeast: Dickcissel at Black Bayou Lake 3
USFWS/Southeast: Dickcissel at Black Bayou Lake 5
USFWS/Southeast: Prothonotary Warbler at Atchafalaya
USFWS/Southeast: Swallowtail kite in flight
USFWS/Southeast: Mississippi kite
USFWS/Southeast: The endangered Key deer
USFWS/Southeast: The endangered Key deer (2)
USFWS/Southeast: Frog at White River