USFWS/Southeast: Suiting up to go underground
USFWS/Southeast: Taping boots to seal the suit
USFWS/Southeast: At the threshold
USFWS/Southeast: Entering the mine
USFWS/Southeast: Searching the mine ceiling
USFWS/Southeast: Checking the mine wall for bats
USFWS/Southeast: Exploring the mine shaft
USFWS/Southeast: Searching for bats
USFWS/Southeast: Rafinesque's big-eared bat
USFWS/Southeast: Finding a bat
USFWS/Southeast: Taking notes
USFWS/Southeast: Ascending the mine shaft
USFWS/Southeast: Finding a bat
USFWS/Southeast: Searching the ceiling for bats
USFWS/Southeast: Descending deeper into the mine
USFWS/Southeast: Documenting a dead bat
USFWS/Southeast: Documenting a dead bat
USFWS/Southeast: Collecting a dead bat for testing
USFWS/Southeast: Face cleaning
USFWS/Southeast: Preparing the dead bats for shipping