USFWS/Southeast: Tri-color bat from Avery County with white fungus on nose
USFWS/Southeast: Little brown bat from Avery County with fungus on nose
USFWS/Southeast: Northern long-eared bat found dead at the Avery County mine
USFWS/Southeast: Tri-color bat with white fungus on its muzzle
USFWS/Southeast: Taking last minutes notes before heading underground
USFWS/Southeast: NCWRC biological technician Cordie Diggins taping a light to her helmet
USFWS/Southeast: Putting on the first Tyveck suit
USFWS/Southeast: Taping boots to the outer Tyveck suit
USFWS/Southeast: Putting on the second Tyveck suit
USFWS/Southeast: Pulling on the hood of the Tyveck suit
USFWS/Southeast: Putting caving gear on over the Tyveck suits
USFWS/Southeast: Taping rubber boots to the outer Tyveck suit
USFWS/Southeast: Helping put the helmet on over the Tyvek suits
USFWS/Southeast: Taping rubber gloves to the outer Tyveck suit
USFWS/Southeast: White-nose syndrome distribution map as of February 9, 2011