USFWS/Southeast: Service biologist Mark Cantrell at the wheel. Lake James, May, 2010
USFWS/Southeast: Service staff member Nancy Cole taking in a view of the shore. Lake James, May 2010
USFWS/Southeast: At the helm. Lake James, May 2010
USFWS/Southeast: Bald eagle on the shore of Lake James. Lake James, May 2010
USFWS/Southeast: Service staff member Nancy Cole looking for eagles. Lake James, May, 2010
USFWS/Southeast: Service biologist Mark Cantrell looking for eagles. Lake James, May, 2010
USFWS/Southeast: Nancy Cole scoping the Lake James shoreline. Lake James, May, 2010
USFWS/Southeast: Bald eagle nest. Lake James, May, 2010
USFWS/Southeast: Service staff member Nancy Cole riding in the boat on Lake James. Lake James, May, 2010
USFWS/Southeast: Service staff member Nancy Cole looking at an eagle nest. Lake James, May, 2010
USFWS/Southeast: Mountain sky over Lake James. Lake James, May, 2010
USFWS/Southeast: Service intern Lily Dancy-Jones looking for eagle. Lake James, May, 2010
USFWS/Southeast: On the bank. Lake James, May, 2010