USFWS/Southeast: Nick Bowman and Peter Lamb gathering spotfin chub at the Conservation Aquaculture Center for transport to the Cheoah river
USFWS/Southeast: Nick Bowman bagging spotfin chub for the journey to the Cheoah River
USFWS/Southeast: Peter Lamb preparing a bag of spotfin chub for the trip to the Cheoah River
USFWS/Southeast: Preparing spotfin chub for transport from the Conservation Aquaculture Center to the Cheoah River
USFWS/Southeast: Peter Lamp closing a bag of spotfin chub
USFWS/Southeast: North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission biologist Steve Fraley acclimating spotfin chub to the Cheoah River
USFWS/Southeast: Nick Bowman on the banks of the Cheoah River with bags of spotfin chub
USFWS/Southeast: Steve Fraley introducing river water to a bag of spotfin chubs
USFWS/Southeast: Steve Fraley and Nick Bowman unloading bags of spotfin chubs
USFWS/Southeast: Steve Fraley moving bags of spotfin chubs to the banks of the Cheoah River
USFWS/Southeast: Steve Fraley checking water temperature in a bag of spotfin chub
USFWS/Southeast: Nick Bowman acclimating spotfin chub to the Cheoah River
USFWS/Southeast: Nick Bowman with bags of spotfin chub in the Cheoah River
USFWS/Southeast: Nick Bowman releasing spotfin chub into the Cheoah River